Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Eliminate Sorority Life Does This Indicate The Need To Eliminate Fraternities And Sororities From College Campuses?

Does this indicate the need to eliminate fraternities and sororities from college campuses? - eliminate sorority life

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081212/ap_o ...


Forget War Buy More said...

All fraternities and sororities in the Greek literature.

H4ppy said...

It's a bit of the line ... BTW, why can the disturbances, there is something to do with the police shooting of a child, I know I'm not a doctor .... Fraternities and sororities had nothing to do with this case, so I understand your point at all

Red-eye Coyote said...

The Greek Council is part of our culture. We were unable to prevent what could destroy us. It is likely that if he did, because it go underground.

bladesin... said...

Are we living in Greece

but I do not think - there are many politicians who are not in fraternities and although everything I do not think that this is happening in Greece justfy in May, as we do here

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